Friday, September 12, 2008


If you couldn't make it to the revival, or if you want to listen again, you can download the mp3's or stream them from its page.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Matthew 18:21

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Matthew 18:21 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its page.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Judges 13:11

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Judges 13:11 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its page.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Revelation 2:19

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Revelation 2:19 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its page.

1st John 4:19

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on 1st John 4:19 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its page.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Revelation 1:1-3

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Revelation 1:1-3 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its page.

Exodus 32:26

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Exodus 32:26 you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its page.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Matthew 26:26

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Matthew 26 and the Lords supper, you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its page.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mark 7:36

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Mark 7:36  you can download the audio here, or you can stream it from its page.

Matthew 26:36-45

If you missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on Matthew 26 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from it page.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Isaiah 40:28-31

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Isaiah 40:28-31 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from this page, or from its page.

Matthew 16:13-17

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Matthew 16:13-17 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its page.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I Thessalonians 4: 9-10

One of the characteristics of a church that is to separate it from any other organization on earth is the love that her members are to have for one another. The love her members are to have for one another is to come from the shared relationship we have with Jesus Christ. We may be different in many ways but in one thing we are to be the same. We are all to have a love relationship with Jesus Christ. If we have a growing and loving relationship with Jesus, that relationship will cause us to love other believers. I John 4: 21 says, "And this is the commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also." John also goes on to state that if a person says he loves God but hates his brother, he is a liar. If we love God, we will love what God loves, and Jesus loved His church and gave His life for it.

Jesus also stated that the world would know that we are of Him if we love one another. The world knows that believers, church members, are to act toward one another differently than the world treats one another. The world may treat one another harshly and with a total disrespect for one another, but those same people will look to see if church members love one another. A lost world wants to see if we are real before they will listen to what we have to say. Paul's admonition to this church was for them to love one another.


Brotherly love produces fellowship and unity within a church. Unity and fellowship within the church body is important to God. When Jesus prayed in John 17, His request to the Father was that we be one even as He and the Father are one. Jesus' desire is that there be unity in the church. A unity of mind, heart and purpose. Unity for the Corinthian church was so important to Paul that he wrote in I Corinthians 1: 10, "I plead with you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." Even the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 133: 1, "Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Unity can only be achieved if we have a fellowship that is characterized by brotherly love. To achieve that kind of brotherly love, we must esteem others better than self. The biggest obstacle to unity in the church is the pride and ego of its members. Pride and ego will seek to have its way even if it has to hurt another or disrupt the unity of the church. That pride and ego can be seen in III John in Diotrophes. He loved to have the pre-eminence (he loved to be noticed and have his way) and used malicious words and even the threat of excluding others to get his way. Such sinful behavior will never be seen when we esteem others better than self. Unity will be seen when we esteem others better than self.
Unity is also seen when we have a Godly brotherly love that will forgive. From time to time, even Godly people will disagree and maybe even hurt one another's feelings. Paul and Barnabas, two Godly men, disagreed over whether to take John mark with them on their second missionary journey. That disagreement was so intense that it eventually split the team. Paul took Silas and went one direction and Barnabas took mark and went in another. Such disagreements don't have to leave us with life long bitterness and animosity toward one another. Brothers in Christ can forgive one another. Paul forgave Mark and eventually sent for him to work with him. We must learn how to forgive for Jesus' sake. It is in forgiving one another that we reveal that we belong to Christ. The love that forgives will unify a church.

Brotherly love will also make us sympathetic toward others in need. That kind of sympathy will enable us to do as Paul says in Romans 12: 15, "weep with those ho weep." Brotherly love will also give us the motivation to help those in need. Brotherly love will help us to not just love in word but in deed. Brotherly love will help us to encourage those who are hurting. And, there are people all around us who are hurting. Brotherly love can also cause us to give to those in need. "But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?" Brotherly love does not make us hard hearted.


Brotherly love should grow in a believer's life simply by its nature. You don't have to teach someone to do what comes naturally. Fish don't take swimming lessons. Birds don't go to flight school. Lost people don't have to take sin lessons. These things come naturally. Believers should not have to take love lessons. Loving another believer should come naturally. Because Jesus lives inside us, it should be our nature to love one another. The deeper our relationship with Christ grows, the more we should be able to love others. Loving believers will come naturally to that one who is growing in Christ.
Brotherly love also grows as God puts us in positions to where that love must be modeled. God will often put unlovable people in our path just to teach us how to love. God will also allow us to be offended in order to teach us how to forgive and how to love. What others would call difficulties are really opportunities for us to exhibit the love of God.


God wants his people to demonstrate the characteristics that make God God. That characteristic is love. If we can't love others, we can not truthfully say that we love God. Love is not just a feeling. It is an act of the will. Make the decision. I am going to love others-- even the unlovable.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I Thessalonians 4: 3-8

Paul reveals in this passage that God's will for us is that we be sanctified.  The word sanctified means to be set apart for a holy use.  When God saved us, it was his will that our bodies be set apart as a temple in which His Holy Spirit would reside.  Paul tells us in I Corinthians 3: 16, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you."  Just like God's presence dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the Old Testament, so His Spirit dwells in the heart of the believer today.  Our body is to be set apart for His purpose.  It is to be holy, clean and dedicated to Him.  To live a life to where we open our heart to sin is to resist the leading of the Spirit.  His desire is to lead us to live a life of righteousness and holiness.  When we resist His leadership, we end up quenching and grieving the Holy Spirit.  That will then deprive us of the joy that only the Holy Spirit can give.  It will also end up depriving us of the power that only he can give.  
Sanctification therefore calls for us to live a holy and pure life.  The sanctified life is a life that resists and overcomes temptation.  Because we have an Adamic nature bent toward sin, temptation is an ongoing, inward struggle that we never fight a final battle with.  But, if we don't fight these daily battles with temptation, sin can eventually overcome us and leave us addicted to habits and overcome with strongholds.  The sin that overcomes and becomes a stronghold doesn't have to be a scandalous sin-- it can be a respectable sin.  There are many who have been overtaken with pride, greed, sins of the tongue and sinful attitudes.  
However, Paul uses this passage to deal with scandalous sin-- sexual immorality.  Let's understand something.  Believers can commit such sin or Paul wouldn't have given us this warning.  He says, don't act like the Gentiles v. 5.  Also remember, David, a man after God's own heart committed adultery.  If he could fall, let us not think that we are above falling.  Believers can be tempted by the pleasures of sin as much as an unbeliever.  
Sexual immorality is wrong because it violates God's purpose for the family.  One of the reasons God ordained the family is because of the need for human companionship.  God saw man in the garden of Eden and He said that it was not good that man should be alone.  Because of man's need of a companion,  a mate, God made the woman for the man.  God then brought the woman to the man and gave her away to the man.  God also ordained that the man and woman become one flesh.  Certainly, this is an allusion to the sexual aspect of marriage.  In the marriage relationship, sex was to be used to express love, oneness and intimacy.  It was also intended to bring mutual pleasure to each partner.  Sex was also to be used to bring forth children as a result of a loving relationship between a husband and wife.  This is why Hebrews 13: 4 says, "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled."  To have sex outside marriage undermines God's purpose for marriage, which by the way, is one man for one woman until death do us part.  
Sexual sin is wrong because it is a sin against others.  In verse six, Paul states that sexual immorality defrauds.  First, sexual immorality is a sin against our mate.  It destroys the trust in our mate that is needed for a healthy marriage to survive.  I realize that the offended party may be asked to forgive and that that forgiveness may be readily given.  But, there is a difference between forgiving and having trust restored.  It could take years for a broken trust to be restored.  Sexual immorality also destroys the self esteem of the innocent party.  Many an innocent victim of an unfaithful partner is left asking a question that shouldn't be asked, "What was it about me that fell short in satisfying my mate?"  Satan likes it when the innocent party blames themselves for the sin committed by an unfaithful partner.  Sexual immorality also defrauds our mate by giving something to someone else that should only belong to our mate.  The Bible teaches that the husband's body belongs to the wife and the wife's body belongs to the husband.  Sexual immorality takes something precious away from our spouse and gives it to someone who is underserving.  
Sexual immorality is also a sin against the other guilty party.  It is a sin against the one who's body has been used for selfish gratification.  Let's face it.  Most immoral relationships have nothing to do with love-- only for selfish physical gratification.  It is a time when two people simply use one another.  Sexual immorality is also a sin against the guilty party's mate.  That person has been defrauded just as much as the offender's mate.  This is why Proverbs 6: 30-35 states that there is no restitution that an adulterer can pay that will undo the sin and satisfied the offended parties.  Sexual immorality is also a sin against our own bodies.  I Corinthians 6: 18, "Every sin that a man does is outside his body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body."
God will deal with such because this sin is a rejection of His commands and as such is a rejection of His Person.  Notice how God deals with a sexually immoral person.  A sexually immoral person will receive dishonor and a reproach that will never be wiped away-- Proverbs 6: 33.  This was certainly true of King David.  We remember him as a man after God's own heart.  But aside from his fight with Goliath, what we remember most about David was his affair with Bathsheba.  David's dishonor has never been wiped away or forgotten.  Even in our day, people don't remember the good that Jimmy Swaggart or Jim Bakker did.  They remember the immoral behavior.  That same thing can even be said of politicians.  Presidents Kennedy and Clinton both left tarnished legacies because of their womanizing.  A sexually immoral person will receive dishonor and a reproach that will never be wiped away.
A sexually immoral person can be judged by disease and death.  No one ever has to worry about a Sexually Transmitted Disease if they follow God's plan.  Abstinence before married and faithfulness to our marriage partner take care of the problem of disease.  Disease and death follow the immoral.
How do we avoid sexual immorality?  First, realize that all of us can be tempted.  Even a man after God's own heart fell.  Second, avoid things which might tempt us.  TV and radio promote immoral lifestyles.  Be careful what you allow inside your thought process.  As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  Also, avoid pornography.  Jesus said if we look at a woman to lust after her we have committed adultery.  Pornography will fill the mind with such images that sexual immorality is seen to be normal.  Pornography will destroy a marriage.  It is also addictive.  To aid in this battle has some accountability software that should be on every man's computer.  This is free software, so no one has an excuse as to not be accountable.  Finally, to avoid sexual immorality, stay in love with your spouse.  Don't allow a moment of pleasure to bring you a lifetime of guilt, shame and reproach.

Monday, February 4, 2008

2nd Kings 6:1-7

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on 2nd Kings 6:1-7 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from this page, or from its page.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

2nd Peter 3

Bro. Mike was out sick this week, so gracefully John Rogers from lakeridge baptist in lubbock brought the message this week.

If you missed John Rogers' sermon on 2nd Peter you can download the audio here
or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it here or from its page.

John 1

If you missed John Rogers' sermon on -- you can download the audio here 
 or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it here or from its page.

Monday, January 28, 2008

1st Thessalonians 5:12-13

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Ezekiel 8:5 you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it here or from its page.

Ezekiel 8:5-12

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Ezekiel 8:5 you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it here or from its page.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Report form missionary Tony Croker

If you missed Bro. Croker's sermon on his mission work in Mongolia , you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its page.

isaiah 43:18

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Isaiah 43:18 you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its page.

Monday, January 14, 2008


I Thessalonians 3: 11-13
Paul was a man of prayer. We can see that in this book as he talked about his prayer life. Notice what he says in chapter one and verse two: "We always thank God for you, remembering you constantly in our prayers." In chapter 2, verse 13, he says, "We thank God without ceasing." In chapter 3, verse 10, he says, "Night and day praying exceedingly." Verses 11-13 of chapter three are also a prayer to God. Prayer was important to Paul. Prayer was more than just a ritual to Paul. Prayer was a time when Paul could fellowship with Jesus. It was a time when Paul could pour out his heart to One that would not only listen but intervene on his behalf. Paul never felt self sufficient, but he did know that when he made his request known unto God that God would answer and supply his need. Prayer was important to God because Paul prayed to a God who answered prayer. And, because prayer was important to Paul, he not only prayed for himself but he prayed for others and then encouraged others to pray. In this passage, we find Paul praying for himself that God would direct him to the Thessalonians again v. 11. Then, we see Paul praying for the Thessalonians v. 12-13.


Notice to whom this request is made. It is made to the Father. This is how Jesus told us to pray. In the model prayer, Jesus told us to pray-- "Our Father which art in heaven." This is also the spirit that has been put in our heart when we got saved. Galatians 4: 6 says, "and because ye are sons, God hath put forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." The term Abba is a term that denotes an intimate relationship. When one receives Jesus as Savior, God's desire is that we develop a close, intimate, personal relationship with Him. As we acknowledge God as our Heavenly Father, we are acknowledging that we are dependent on Him for all our needs. We are as children totally dependent on the care and supply of the parent. When we pray, we are saying God, we need you and there is no other way our needs can be met. That dependence on God is pleasing to the Father. If our earthly fathers, flawed as we might be, know to give our children what they need, how much more will a Heavenly Father supply to the children which He loves?
Paul's prayer was also offered up to our Lord Jesus Christ. In addressing Jesus as Lord, Paul was submitting to the will and Lordship of Christ. Paul's goal in prayer was what Jesus instructed us that our goal should be: "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Also, Paul was acknowledging the intercessory work of Christ. All prayer goes through Jesus to the Father. "There is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." I Timothy 2: 5 Jesus serves as our great High priest to present us before the throne of grace faultless. The Father accepts our prayers on the basis of the Son who presents them to Him on our account. This is what it means to pray in Jesus' name. Paul came to the Father through the Son.
Paul asked that God would direct his way to the Thessalonians. By asking God to direct his way, Paul was asking God that his request would be in His will. Paul realized that the safest place for him was to be in the center of God's will. Asking God to direct our way is also asking that God would remove any obstacle keeping us from doing God's will. Satan is going to put obstacles in our way that he can use to discourage us or confuse us concerning God's will. When we pray, God can reassure us about His will and that reassurance can give us confidence to face and overcome those obstacles. As we pray, God can even remove the obstacle or show us a way around it that His will may be done. To know and then do God's will calls for the believer to pray.


Paul prayed that these believers might increase in their love for one another. To love one another means that we are fulfilling the commands of Christ. John 15: 12 says, "This is My commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you." The kind of love Jesus had for us was a love that loved us when we were unlovable and when we didn't love Him. If we love as Jesus loves, then we must love those who are unlovable. If we love as Jesus loves, we must love those who don't love us. Jesus' love was also a sacrificial love. He loved us so much that He gave up heaven and died on a cross for our sins. He loved us so much that He took upon Himself the form of a servant and came to serve the needs of humanity. That kind of love calls for Jesus' followers to serve and minister to one another. Jesus' love was also a love that compelled Him to forgive. On the cross, Jesus prayed for those who were crucifying Him. His prayer-- Father, forgive them. Jesus command to us is that we forgive one another even as Christ Jesus also has forgiven us. That kind of forgiveness will never be granted, however, until we learn how to love as Jesus loved. That is why John tells us in I John 4: 21, "And this commandment have we from Him, That he who loves God must love his brother also." People today are not looking for a doctrinally correct church as much as they are a church that will exhibit the love of Christ.
Paul also prayed that these believers might have their hearts established unblameable in holiness. Holy living begins in the heart. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Jesus also told us in Matthew 15: 19 that sin originates in the heart. "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies." Because the heart is the place where the battle is fought against sin, David said that is where he would hide God's word. And, David said he would hide God's word there that he might not sin against God. Hiding God's word in our heart calls for us to meditate on the Word. Certainly, we have to get into the Word and read it. Every believer needs a plan that will take them through the entire Bible. Meditating carries the idea of thinking about what we have read as we go through the day. It carries the idea of bringing what we have read back to mind and allowing our thoughts to dwell on the passage. The goal of meditating on the Word is to allow Jesus to use the Word to direct our walk with Him to the point we live a holy life.


As we notice Paul's prayer, we see how we are to pray. Yes, we are to pray for ourselves. But, we are also to intercede for others. We are to pray to a loving Heavenly Father expecting Him to meet our needs. We are to pray without ceasing.


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Proverbs 29:18

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on Proverbs 29:18 and Gods plan with our life, you can download the audio Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its page.