Monday, October 29, 2007

Turning to Christ

I Thessalonians 1: 9-10

Acts 17 tells us what Paul did when he got to Thessalonica. The Bible tells us that Paul reasoned out of the Scriptures, opening and alleging that Christ must have suffered and then be raised again and that this Jesus whom I preach unto you is Christ. Notice what Paul's message was one that came from the Scriptures. And, today, we are to reason with others and share the message that we find from the Scriptures. We are to go to the Scriptures because the Bible is God's Word. II Timothy 3: 16 says that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God. The word inspiration literally means, God breathed. Because the Scripture came from the mouth of God, Jesus can tell us to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. I realize that God used men to record his words and bring the Scripture to us, but we need to remember what Peter said in II Peter 1: 21, "holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." God spoke through these holy men, but it was GOD speaking. And, God, Who is perfect, has given us a perfect Word. Because the Bible is God's Word, we can share it with the full confidence that it has no mistakes and that it is trustworthy.
We also reason out of God's Word because of the promise God has given us about His Word. In Isaiah 55: 11, God says this, "My Word shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the things whereunto I sent it." God says here that He will bless His word. We don't have to manipulate an audience to get results. We don't have to be great orators to move people. All we have to do is faithfully share God's Word and He will bless with His life changing power and accomplish that which he pleases. What we need to do is to share His Word and do so expecting God to bless.
We are also to reason out of the Scriptures because the Scripture tells us about Jesus. Here, in this passage, we see Jesus revealed to us in three ways.


He has delivered us from the wrath to come
There is a wrath to come for those outside of Christ. God is a God of love but He is also a God of wrath and judgment. God's wrath is real. Knowing that God's wrath is real, Paul wrote, "knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men." Knowing that God's wrath is real, the writer of the Hebrews wrote, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." God's wrath is real and it will be exhibited in two ways. First, God is going to pour out His wrath on the earth in the very near future. This out pouring of His wrath will be due to this world's rejection of Him and the commands He has given us in His Word. The Bible calls this outpouring of his wrath the Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. During this time, God is going to allow Satan to rule this world through a one world government to show man the tragedy of a society without God. As a result of this Satanic rule, war, famine and disease will abound to the point that if Jesus does not come, no life will be saved. God will also judge this world by using plagues similar to the ones He used to judge Egypt during the time of the Exodus. This present evil world is headed down a path to face the wrath of God and a time of tribulation such as not be seen from the beginning of the world , to this time, no, nor ever shall be-- Matthew 24: 21.
God's eternal wrath will be exhibited in the Lake of Fire. One day, all lost humanity will stand before God at the Great White throne Judgment. There, they will be shown what Jesus did to save them and how they rejected his offer of salvation. Then, Jesus will say to them, "depart from Me, ye that work iniquity, for I never knew you." At that point, those who rejected Christ will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Satan, his angels, death and hell will also all be cast into the Lake of Fire. The Bible then calls this the second death. It will be God's eternal expression of His wrath concerning sin and rebellion.
But, notice the good news. Jesus came to deliver us from God's wrath. He did so by taking God's wrath for sin upon Himself. When Jesus died on the cross, He suffered on that cross what we would have suffered had we gone to hell. In Luke 16, we get a picture of one who died without Christ and then endured hell. The Bible says the rich man in hell suffered from torment as he burned without being consumed and then desired water he could never have. When Jesus died on the cross, he cried out, "I thirst." Jesus suffered from the fever, thirst and torment of hell for us as He paid for our sin. Hell is also a place of separation. It is a place of solitary confinement. It is also a place of separation from fellowship with God. On the cross, jesus cried our, "My God, why have you forsaken Me?" Jesus was separated from the Father as He suffered God's wrath for our sin. Hell is also a place of outer darkness. While Jesus hung on the cross, there was darkness on the face of the earth from noon until three in the afternoon. Jesus experienced the darkness of hell so we would never have to suffer the wrath of God. Hell is also a place of shame. The Bible says that Jesus despised the shame of the cross in order to pay for our sin. As Jesus suffered the wrath of God for us on the cross, the Bible says, God saw the travail of His soul and was satisfied. Jesus came to deliver us from the wrath of God.
We can be delivered from sin as we confess our sin. I John says, "If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to cleanse us from our sin and deliver us from all unrighteousness." We are delivered from sin as we acknowledge Jesus' work on the cross as being sufficient to pay for that sin. We must trust in Jesus' work and Jesus' alone to pay for sin. As we trust in what He did for us at the cross to pay for our sin, we must then turn from that sin and turn to Him in faith. This is what the Thessalonians did. Jesus will either be our deliverer or our judge.


Whom He raised from the dead
Jesus didn't just die on the cross, but He rose again. That resurrection transformed a group of fearful disciples into an army of evangelists who turned the world upside down. Because these men knew Jesus had overcome death, they were not afraid to go our and face death themselves. This is why the early church constantly stressed the resurrection in their teaching and preaching.
Notice what the risen Christ is doing today. Jesus is at the Father's right hand acting as our High Priest. He ever lives to make intercession for us. s our high Priest, He is presenting us before the throne of grace faultless so we can make our requests known unto the Father. Jesus is also acting as our Advocate, our defense attorney, to defend us against Satan's accusations.
Jesus is also awaiting word from the Father to come back and receive us unto Himself.
To wait for His Son from heaven
Jesus is coming again. Jesus' coming has been prophesied throughout the Bible. Enoch said, "Behold, He comes with ten thousand of his saints." Isaiah foretold of the millennial kingdom. Zachariah said, "They shall see Him whom they have pierced." Jesus Himself told those who tried Him, "you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of heaven." Even the Lord's Supper carried the promise of Jesus' coming. Jesus said, "I will not drink it again until I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom." When you look in the epistles, you see Paul, Peter, Jude and John all wrote of Jesus' return. Jesus is coming back as King of Kings to rule and reign and to be glorified as God.
To those of us who are saved, we await expectantly. We await a new and glorified body that He is going to give us when He comes. We await to be reunited with friends and family who have preceded us into heaven. We expectantly await our reward that Jesus is bring with Him. We are awaiting Jesus to deliver us from the wrath to come.

As we think of the three fold picture of Jesus, we ought to love, worship and develop a grateful attitude toward Christ. What Jesus has done for us should also cause us to brag about Him. If you are lost, this picture should compel you to be saved.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Boatload of audio from Leland Yeary day.

This week was a little different here at college avenue baptist church for three reasons, 1st because we honored Bro. Leland Yeary for his years of service to the church, 2nd we called cale bridges as youth paster and 3rd because we are experimenting with recording the songs as well as the sermon.

So this week there is a bit more audio then normal, you can download Bro. Mikes sermon on being a servant here.

And you can download the mens quartet singing "When the role is called up yonder" here, and Monica and Francis singing "It is well (with my soul) here.

The sermon is a .mp3 file encoded at 64kbps, and the songs are .ogg files, you will need the codecs found here.

And as always if you have a broadband internet connection you can listen to them with out downloading anything on its page.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Audio for 10/14/2007

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on genesis 35 you can download the audio here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its page.

It is a .mp3 file encoded at 64kbps, its running time is 30:04 and it is 14.4mb.

Monday, October 8, 2007

What made paul thankful

I Thessalonians 1: 8-10

The Apostle Paul was a missionary. Because of that, he traveled a great deal and ministered in many places. Paul's method of ministry was to go where there was no church and plant a church there. Without an established church in the town, Paul's first priority in that town was evangelism. He went into these cities and began to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ. But, being a Jew, Paul often first went to the synagogue and preached the gospel there. This is how the church at Thessalonica was established. Acts 17: 2-3 says, "Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the scriptures, explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, This Jesus whom I preach unto you is the Christ." The Bible tells us that through Paul's preaching, many turned to Jesus and were saved. Paul then took these converts and trained and equipped them to go out and tell others about Jesus v. 8. But, what happened at Thessalonica is that Paul caused such a stir in the community that he was forced out of town.
But, in spite of being run out of Thessalonica, Paul had fond memories of the people there. Pastors today also have conflicting memories when we think about places we have been. There are some places we remember with sadness due to the rejection that the gospel found there. It is one thing to reject the messenger but it is another to reject the message. All pastors know of those who said, no, to Jesus. That saddens a pastors heart. There are also places that bring us joy because of the spiritual victories that were achieved. We can look back on places where people were saved and then Godly lives. We can look back on places where marriages were put back in place and where unruly children were restored. In any church, you will have good and bad memories, but it is what we hold on to that counts. If we just major on the bad, we can get bitter and be of little use to God. It is better to be like Paul and be grateful for the good things that have happened to us. In v. 9-10, Paul shares three things about this church that he was grateful for.


Their turning came about as a result of seeing the futility of worshipping idols. What is an idol but the product of man's hand. Can an idol answer the prayers of it's worshipers? No! That is seen when Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest on Mt. Carmel. The worshipers of Baal made an appeal to Baal but he answered not. When Elijah prayed, the God of heaven answered with fire. Jehovah God is a God who answers prayer-- not idols. An idol cannot give it's worshipper an answer to the problems of life. Neither can an idol spare it's worshipers the judgment of God. I realize that God has made us with an inward desire to worship, but when we turn to anyone but Him in worship, we find emptiness and futility. When the Thessalonians came to realize this, they turned from their idols.
They turned from their idols when they heard the gospel message of Jesus Christ 2: 13. Our problem today is that many have gotten used to church and hearing about Jesus that we have lost the awe and wonder of the gospel message. Let's notice a couple of things about the gospel. First, the gospel message is not a man made message. It is a message from God. Notice what Paul says in 2: 13, "For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the Word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually works in you who believe." Peter also says in II Peter 1: 21, "for prophecy never came by the will of man, but the holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." The gospel message is a message from God to man. Second, the gospel message is also a life changing message. God will anoint this message with His power to the point that it can literally change a person's life. People today can be changed if they will listen to the gospel message and then respond to it. These people were saved as they responded to the word and turned from their idols to the living God.


Their conversion was evident by their outward actions. One thing they did following their conversion is that they publicly embraced Jesus. They did this by openly professing their love and commitment to Christ. They also publicly embraced Jesus by being baptized. Baptism signifies what Jesus did for us to save us. Jesus died for our sins, was buried and then rose again. As we go down into the water and come up again, our baptism is a picture of what Jesus did to save us. Baptism is also a testimony of what Jesus had done in our heart. Our old man is buried and Jesus has made us a new creature and raised us up in newness of life. Their conversion was also evident by the fact they began to share the life changing message they had received. In chapter 1, verse 4, it is said, they sounded forth the Word. The reason they did this is because the gospel message was real and dear to them. They sounded forth the word because they also believed that others needed what they had. When one is saved, that salvation will be evident to others by our actions.
Salvation also makes us the servants of God. Ephesians says we are His workmanship created unto good works. God saved us so we could honor Him with the works that came from his power. Jesus said we would know those that are His by the works we bear. We can be grateful for those who are serving the risen Christ.


Jesus is coming again. That is the promise Jesus made to His disciples when He ascended unto the Father. "This same Jesus that you have seen go into heaven shall return in like manner." When Jesus comes, it will be a time of joy for those who know Him. When Jesus comes, it will be a time of reunion with loved ones who have passed on before us. It will also be a time of reward for the labor we have exerted in Jesus' name. It will be a time of change. when Jesus comes, he is going to change this vile body and give us a new, glorified, and sin free body. Jesus' coming should be a time we look forward to, not a time we dread or fear. The only problem we have with His coming is that we do not know when He is coming.
Those who await His coming will live differently from those who aren't looking for Him. Those who are awaiting his coming will love a holy life. I John 3: 3 says, "and anyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." Those who are awaiting Jesus' return don't want to be caught up in sinful activity when He comes. Those who are awaiting Jesus' return will also have a passion for lost souls. A holy and evangelistic church is enough to make any pastor grateful.


Paul was grateful that these people were saved. He was also grateful that they were serving God and looking for Jesus' return. Are you saved? Are you serving God? Are you looking for Jesus' return?


Audio For 10/07/2007

If You missed Bro. Mikes Sermon on psalm 19 you can download it Here, or if you have a broadband internet connection you can stream it from its page.

It is a MP3 encoded at 64kbps.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Sermon Of The Week "It is about character"

I Thessalonians 1: 5-7

As Paul opened his letter, he shared that he was filled with gratitude as he remembered them. Now that is not to say that everything that happened to Paul in Thessalonica was something that he could remember with fondness. There were many negative things that Paul could have remembered. For one thing, Paul was run out of town. He could have thought about that rejection of the rest of his life. But, Paul didn't. he chose to remember the good things. This points out that life is what we make it. We can choose to remember the good or we can choose to remember the bad. But, if all we remember is the bad, then that will fill us with a negative and bitter spirit. What we need to see is that even in the midst of bad things, God still blesses. These blessings are what he wants us to remember and hold on to. That is why the bible says, "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." Paul chose to remember how these people were saved and then became a working church. As Paul remembered that, Paul wrote to remind them of why they received Jesus and followed Christ.


The Thessalonians knew how Paul lived among them for their sake v. 5. For one thing, they knew the sacrifices Paul had made in order to get the gospel to them. Paul had given up a position on the Jewish counsel, with all it's prestige, in order to preach the gospel. There are even some who seem to think had Paul not converted to Christianity, he might have even become high priest. Paul also gave up potential wealth that he might have acquired by remaining on the Jewish counsel. He gave up material wealth for the purpose of sharing Christ with the lost. Paul also gave up having a place to call home in order to preach the gospel to the lost. The Thessalonians knew the sacrifices that Paul had made in order for them to hear about Jesus. And, because of Paul's sincerity, revealed by the sacrifices that he had made, they were willing to listen.
These sacrifices also revealed the burden Paul had for the Thessalonians. The great missing element in church people today is our lack of burden for lost people. We have a concern for one another, and that is good. We have a concern for our own families. But, the burden and concern for lost people is missing. But, the Bible tells us that it is the one who goes forth weeping, with a burden, that comes again rejoicing bring his sheaves with him. People will sit up and notice what we have to say when they know we care.
These Thessalonians also knew that Paul was honest. Paul told them the truth even if it meant getting run out of town. One who flatters us instead of telling us the truth is not really our friend. One who is afraid to tell us the truth because he is afraid of hurting our feelings is not our friend either. People want and need to hear the truth. And, when we are a person of character who will tell people the truth, they will listen.
That is seen in v. 6. "Ye became imitators of us and of the Lord." There is a great spiritual principle in this verse. If the church leader is following God and then the people follow him, they are all following God. Since this is such an important principle, the need is for preachers, deacons and teachers to be following God. Preachers, deacons and teachers must be people of character. Education, personality and spiritual gifts will never make up for an absence of Godliness and character. But, if a church has Godly leaders, then the church needs to follow that leader. To rebel here is to rebel against God. That is why when Israel opposed Moses that Moses said, "you have rebelled against God-- who am I in all this?" The Thessalonians saw how Paul lived among them and they were willing to adopt his lifestyle. That is real leadership.


They became a model church v. 7. They became a church that others wanted to be like. What are some things that would make others want to be like us. For one thing, all churches should want to see people saved. When we hear of people being saved at other churches, we should desire to be like them. That means that a model church is an evangelistic church. People also want to be a part of a loving and friendly church. The TV show, Cheers, talked about being in a place where, "everybody knows your name." The church should be like that. A church should be a place where we know one another and love one another, warts and all. A model church exhibits the love of Christ. People also want to be a part of a church that seeks to meet the needs of it's members. A model church is a ministering church. A model church is also an anointed church. It is a church where the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit exists. People want to be a part of a church where God is real in power as well as in word. This points out that most of our churches are in dire need of revival. People also want to be a part of a church that makes an impact on the community. Today, the world often ignores the church. But, God intended the church to influence the society and world we live in. A model church is an influential church. We should become a missionary church in the sense of letting the world see what church is all about.
This was also a missionary church in that the gospel spread from it to other areas. To do this, missionaries went out from this church to areas where the gospel had not been shared. In Biblical times, a church would send out a missionary and then the other churches would help that missionary out, not only financially but also by praying for him. Today, this is supposed to be the purpose of an association. Churches are to be working together to send out missionaries. Our problem today is that we have gotten so locked into just sending money to an association or convention that we don't know who our missionaries are. As a result, our missionary effort has gotten very impersonal. We don't even know who to pray for.
A missionary church is also a church that sees Christian workers being called out of her midst. Paul and Barnabas were called out of the midst of the church in Antioch to go share the gospel in places they hadn't been before. There is a need today for us to ask God to call men to the ministry. With pastors getting harder and harder to find, it is time that we begin praying that God would call laborers into the fields of harvest. We cannot continue to see over 5000 pastors quitting the ministry every year and not having pastors to replace them.


Let us pray that God will touch the heart of men like Paul, men of character. Let us also be willing to follow the ones God gives us. Let us be used to become and model and missionary church.


Audio For 09/30/2007

If you missed Bro. Mikes sermon on the Writing on the wall or Living in a dark world you can download them Here (The Writing on the wall), and Here (being a light in a dark world).

Or if you have broadband Internet you can stream them from their page.

Both are encoded at 64kbps and are .mp3 files.