Monday, October 1, 2007

Sermon Of The Week "It is about character"

I Thessalonians 1: 5-7

As Paul opened his letter, he shared that he was filled with gratitude as he remembered them. Now that is not to say that everything that happened to Paul in Thessalonica was something that he could remember with fondness. There were many negative things that Paul could have remembered. For one thing, Paul was run out of town. He could have thought about that rejection of the rest of his life. But, Paul didn't. he chose to remember the good things. This points out that life is what we make it. We can choose to remember the good or we can choose to remember the bad. But, if all we remember is the bad, then that will fill us with a negative and bitter spirit. What we need to see is that even in the midst of bad things, God still blesses. These blessings are what he wants us to remember and hold on to. That is why the bible says, "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." Paul chose to remember how these people were saved and then became a working church. As Paul remembered that, Paul wrote to remind them of why they received Jesus and followed Christ.


The Thessalonians knew how Paul lived among them for their sake v. 5. For one thing, they knew the sacrifices Paul had made in order to get the gospel to them. Paul had given up a position on the Jewish counsel, with all it's prestige, in order to preach the gospel. There are even some who seem to think had Paul not converted to Christianity, he might have even become high priest. Paul also gave up potential wealth that he might have acquired by remaining on the Jewish counsel. He gave up material wealth for the purpose of sharing Christ with the lost. Paul also gave up having a place to call home in order to preach the gospel to the lost. The Thessalonians knew the sacrifices that Paul had made in order for them to hear about Jesus. And, because of Paul's sincerity, revealed by the sacrifices that he had made, they were willing to listen.
These sacrifices also revealed the burden Paul had for the Thessalonians. The great missing element in church people today is our lack of burden for lost people. We have a concern for one another, and that is good. We have a concern for our own families. But, the burden and concern for lost people is missing. But, the Bible tells us that it is the one who goes forth weeping, with a burden, that comes again rejoicing bring his sheaves with him. People will sit up and notice what we have to say when they know we care.
These Thessalonians also knew that Paul was honest. Paul told them the truth even if it meant getting run out of town. One who flatters us instead of telling us the truth is not really our friend. One who is afraid to tell us the truth because he is afraid of hurting our feelings is not our friend either. People want and need to hear the truth. And, when we are a person of character who will tell people the truth, they will listen.
That is seen in v. 6. "Ye became imitators of us and of the Lord." There is a great spiritual principle in this verse. If the church leader is following God and then the people follow him, they are all following God. Since this is such an important principle, the need is for preachers, deacons and teachers to be following God. Preachers, deacons and teachers must be people of character. Education, personality and spiritual gifts will never make up for an absence of Godliness and character. But, if a church has Godly leaders, then the church needs to follow that leader. To rebel here is to rebel against God. That is why when Israel opposed Moses that Moses said, "you have rebelled against God-- who am I in all this?" The Thessalonians saw how Paul lived among them and they were willing to adopt his lifestyle. That is real leadership.


They became a model church v. 7. They became a church that others wanted to be like. What are some things that would make others want to be like us. For one thing, all churches should want to see people saved. When we hear of people being saved at other churches, we should desire to be like them. That means that a model church is an evangelistic church. People also want to be a part of a loving and friendly church. The TV show, Cheers, talked about being in a place where, "everybody knows your name." The church should be like that. A church should be a place where we know one another and love one another, warts and all. A model church exhibits the love of Christ. People also want to be a part of a church that seeks to meet the needs of it's members. A model church is a ministering church. A model church is also an anointed church. It is a church where the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit exists. People want to be a part of a church where God is real in power as well as in word. This points out that most of our churches are in dire need of revival. People also want to be a part of a church that makes an impact on the community. Today, the world often ignores the church. But, God intended the church to influence the society and world we live in. A model church is an influential church. We should become a missionary church in the sense of letting the world see what church is all about.
This was also a missionary church in that the gospel spread from it to other areas. To do this, missionaries went out from this church to areas where the gospel had not been shared. In Biblical times, a church would send out a missionary and then the other churches would help that missionary out, not only financially but also by praying for him. Today, this is supposed to be the purpose of an association. Churches are to be working together to send out missionaries. Our problem today is that we have gotten so locked into just sending money to an association or convention that we don't know who our missionaries are. As a result, our missionary effort has gotten very impersonal. We don't even know who to pray for.
A missionary church is also a church that sees Christian workers being called out of her midst. Paul and Barnabas were called out of the midst of the church in Antioch to go share the gospel in places they hadn't been before. There is a need today for us to ask God to call men to the ministry. With pastors getting harder and harder to find, it is time that we begin praying that God would call laborers into the fields of harvest. We cannot continue to see over 5000 pastors quitting the ministry every year and not having pastors to replace them.


Let us pray that God will touch the heart of men like Paul, men of character. Let us also be willing to follow the ones God gives us. Let us be used to become and model and missionary church.


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