Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Not in vain

I Thessalonians 2: 1


Paul didn't have an easy time in Thessalonica. I realize that when we say this that Paul did see a goodly number of people saved there. Acts 17: 12 says, "Therefore many of them believed; also of honorable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few." It was from this group of converts that Paul established the church at Thessalonica. Today, when we see someone receive Jesus as Savior, we ought to rejoice. Some people faithfully serve God and never see great numbers of people saved. Noah preached for 120 years and didn't see anyone saved except for his immediate family. Jeremiah preached for over 50 years and faced rejection. The nation didn't turn to Christ but instead experienced judgment. Even though Paul saw people saved and a church constituted as a result, he still saw hardship at Thessalonica. For one thing, his ministry caused a public riot which led to his being run out of town. And, Paul was not in Thessalonica long before this happened. Today, we are not hurting the devil and his work enough to get him disturbed.
In spite of the hardships, Paul says here that his ministry was not in vain-- Paul hadn't wasted his time. None of us, no matter what field we are in, want to feel like we are wasting our time or our effort. Time is to valuable to waste it on a non-productive project that could be more useful doing something else. Even when we fail, and we do fail, we want to think that that failure was not a wasted effort. We like to think that we can learn from that failure to the point we can be productive in the future. Since we don't like to think that we are wasting time or effort in serving God, let us notice:


Time spent serving God is never wasted time because God takes notice of what we are doing. So many times what we do may not be appreciated or even noticed by others. The attitude that others take towards what we do may make us feel like that what we are doing is unimportant. Many may develop the attitude that since no one cares or even notices what I am doing, then I am just wasting my time. In such a time, we meed to remember, God knows what we are doing. One of the principles of Christian service is that what is done in secret will be rewarded openly. This is plainly stated in Matthew 6 when it comes to our charitable giving, prayer and fasting. Hebrews 6: 10 also states: "For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward His name. Our time spent serving God is never wasted because God notices what we are doing.
Time spent serving God is never wasted because God has a way of using that service even if we never see what He does. Sometimes what we do is the foundation others build on with the result that they see the results we wanted to see. Paul said that he planted and Apollos watered and then God gave the increase. Even though Paul didn't see the immediate results from his work, Apollos would have seen results if Paul hadn't planted. Even though others may be the ones who see the results from a work we started, our labor was not in vain. God did give an increase.
God may also use someone we influenced in a way that multiplies what we have done. Andrew led Peter to Jesus, but it was Peter who was greatly used. Andrew's service was not wasted, it was multiplied through Peter. Many a person who has been greatly used of God was won or influenced by someone we have never heard of. Yet, the one we never heard of didn't waste his time. God multiplied the results of his labor through the one we have heard of. I know we may never know the number of people we have influenced to serve God. This is why we can never afford to give up. God can be using us even when we don't realize it.
Time spent serving God is never wasted because of God's definition of success. We sometimes get to the point of thinking we are wasting our time because we have adopted the world's definition of success. In church work, the world measures success in terms of how many people are coming to Sunday School and Church. In church work, we measure success by how much money we are taking in. Success is also measured by what our buildings look like. Although it is good to have people coming to church to meet in a nice building, and although it is good for a church to be financially sound, these are not necessarily the criteria for what God would call success. God's criteria for success is in how faithful we have been. This is why Noah can be included in Hebrews 11 as a success for God even though he only saw 7 people saved in 120 years. This is why Jeremiah is a great man of God even though he was rejected by his people. I Corinthians 4: 2 gives us the standard for success, "Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." If we are faithful in what God has called us to do, then we are successful. And that means we are not wasting our time.


We are to serve God enthusiastically by just serving God. We are to do what we do to please Him and not be shackled by what others think. Our service to Him should be motivated by (1) gratitude for what He has done for us, (2) The promise of reward (3) Knowing that He sees what we do and is well pleased. Knowing that our service to Him is not in vain should cause us to serve enthusiastically.
We are to serve God enthusiastically knowing that in doing so He will cause us to grow spiritually. here will always be results in our own lives as we serve Him. As we serve God faithfully, God will give us greater challenges. David went from facing a bear and a lion to a giant. As we are faithful, God will develop the spiritual maturity in us to be used in even a greater way. he anticipation of what He is going to do should fill us with an enthusiasm for serving God.
As we serve Him faithfully, God will develop our character. Jesus turned unstable peter into a rock. John, a son of thunder, became an apostle of love. And looking back, we can see how we have either grown or become bitter toward life. As God builds character in us, we can serve with enthusiasm.


We are never wasting our time serving God. Eternity will reveal the value of that service. let's just walk in the fullness of the Holy spirit and leave the results up to God.


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